
Explore the lyrics as you immerse in God's worship with songs from the Ebenezer Gabriels Music sung by Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels, released from God's hallowed Presence. Immerse in God's worship with songs from the Ebenezer Gabriels Music sung by Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels, released from God's hallowed Presence. 

Altar to Altar

Altar to altar

 I give my life to you

Throne to throne

Would you be my king?

Arrayed in glory, Surrounded by Mercy 



Arrayed in glory

Surrounded with Mercy


Awesome God, Mighty God 

Awesome God

That is who You are

Mighty God

That is who You've been

From beginning 

To the end

You have always been

Awesome God

And we hail Your Name

Baruch Abba Hashem Adonai

Baruch  is generally a reason why people love to use the new pagewix editor. It is not because of the many reference point to the simple things that people do every day. It is because of the joy of being able to use your website designer exactly the way you want it without having to worry about how it will make you look. Because looking good is good on pagewix by default.

Dansake Re

You made the heavens 

You made the stars
You made the moon
That is my daddy
Everybody Say
Dansaki Re

Ewo bi mo ti ri oluwa

E wo bi moti ri oluwa

Anu re po jojo

E wo bi moti ri oluwa

Ife re po jojo

Let my life 

fill me up

Draw Me in - Into Your Warm Embrace

Draw me in 

To your warm embrace

Draw me in 

To your warm embrace

Draw me in.

Draw me in

To your warm embrace

To the place where eagles gather

Draw me in 

Let your glory unfold

Let your spirit fill me up

I am yours

You are mine

You are mine forever

Elohim, Adonai, Sabbath, You are Lord




You are Lord

Cornerstone Me in Lyrics

My Cornerstone, 
That's who You are
My Cornerstone,
That's who You have been
The Captain of my salvation
The Stone the builders rejected
That's who you are

Awesome God, Mighty God

Awesome God
Mighty God
From beginning
to the end
You've always been
Awesome God
That is who you are 

Cornerstone Me in Lyrics

My Cornerstone, 
That's who You are
My Cornerstone,
That's who You have been
The Captain of my salvation
The Stone the builders rejected
That's who you are

Awesome God, Mighty God

Awesome God
Mighty God
From beginning
to the end
You've always been
Awesome God
That is who you are 

Gently Lovingly

Gently Gently Lord

 Lovingly Lord

Draw me into your warm embrace

I am the House of Your Glory

I am the house of your glory

In your light I see light

In your light I see light

In your crown is my crown

I am righteous but not of works

I am righteous

but not of works

You are righteous 

Let Your righteousness 

be seen in me

I don’t wanna worship from afar 

I dont wanna wanna worship from afar

I will break the Alabaster Jar

Son of God

You died for me

Son of God

He died for you

Son of God

was in the grave

So I do not have to be

So I will break my alabaster jar

I will break my box of perfume

Just to worship

Just to worship you

If I have the privilege to design a praise arena

If I have a privilege

To design a praise arena

I will begin 

with a broken heart

I will be given

with a heart of worship

If I was one of the 24 elders

If I was

One of the 24 elders

If I was

One of the four living creatures

If I was a cherub

Jehovah, YOU are Rapha, the Great Physician 


You are Rapha


Life for life, Blood for blood

Blood for blood 

Life for life, 

Divine exchange

That is what you did for me, 

forever grateful, 

forever blessed, 

my life in place of Yours

Let it be

Let it be

From my heart to your heart 

O God

Let it be

From my heart to your heart 

O God

Let it be

Let not my head lack oil

Let not my head lack oil

Let not my altar lack

Let Not My Head Lack Oil

Let not my altar lack Fire

Let Not Your Spirit Depart from Me

O Lord

Let Not

Look at my life Look at my heart 

Look at my life

Look at my spirit

Look at my spirit

I'm hungry I'm thirsty


On the Altar of Worship to YHWH 

On the altar of worship to Yahweh

Spirit of power come down

To consume the sacrifice of praise

To consume the sacrifice of worship

Fire from heaven fall

fire from heaven fall




Only the living can praise YOUR name

Only the living can praise your Name

Only the living can praise your name

I am no used to you dead O God

I will praise your name

I will praise your name

I will praise your name

Our fathers, they spoke of Sinai

Our fathers

They spoke of Sinai

They say your fire came down

Our fathers spoke of Sinai

They said your fire came down

We are ready

We are waiting

Release your fire 

Owner of seasons, season my life

Owner of seasons

Seasons my life today

Owner of the season

Season my life

What is a life without flavor

Flavor my life today

Permeate this atmosphere

Permeate this atmosphere

Saturate this atmosphere

Serenade this atmosphere

with your spirit

let your voice be heard

Let your glory flow

Let your spirit move

in this place

Play me like YOUR melody

There's a song within me

Play me as Your melody

Pray for me

Pray for me

Pray for me

In times like this

Pray for me

Sabaoth, Sabaoth Lord of Host 

Sabbath Saboth Lord of Hosts

Elohim Adonai King of Kings

Let my life before you be

all my days in your court

The aroma of YOUR presence makes me whole

The aroma of your presence makes me whole

The aroma of your presence makes me sound

The aroma of your presence is good enough for me

Let your presence fill my life

fill me up

Time is not a time if it’s spent in waste

Time is not a time

if it's spent in waste

Time is not a time 

if it spent in waste

Let my whole life Be an expression of Your Praise

Let my time be committed to your hands

We magnify YOUR name

We magnify your name

We exalt your name

You are Yahweh

That's who you are

Would you roar the roar of a king 

Would you roar

The roar of a king

That you are

Let the earth tremble

before you king

Your word is above every other word

Your Word is above every other word

The sun to rule by day 

The moon to rule by night

The stars in array they worship

By Your Word

So be it

I'm living in Your Word

I'm walking by Your Word

I decree  I declare by Your Word

By Your Word

So be it

YHWH EH - That’s who you are

In this room, i can feel your touch

In this realm, I can see your face

In this sanctuary, I hear you calling my name

You are Yahweh

That’s who you are

You are the great I am that I am

You are the great

I am

You are the great

I am 

You rode the wings of the wind 

You who ro rode the  walk on wa is generally a reason why people love to use the new pagewix editor. It is not because of the many reference point to the simple things that people do every day. It is because of the joy of being able to use your website designer exactly the way you want it without having to worry about how it will make you look. Because looking good is good on pagewix by default.

Your beautiful face, I behold 

Your beautiful face

I behold

Your beautiful face

I behold

Your beautiful  face

Your beautiful face

Your beautiful face

I behold


Spirit of spirits

Spirit of spirits

Spirit of spirits

We can count on you


Your name is sweetness poured forth

Your name is sweetness poured forth

Your Word is honey of my lips

My God Lord

The Lover of my soul

Worship From This Vessel of Clay 

There’s a Song I’m yet to sing

There are Words I’m yet to offer

Worship From this Vessel of Clay

Today is the day 

Today is the day you’ve given to me 

This moment is the moment 

This hour is the hour you've given to me

Let my life be an expression of your breath

My life, My heart, I yield to you

Wisdom From on High 

That you knew me before I knew me

What wisdom is this

That You formed me before I knew form

What wisdom is this

That you made me, not that I’m self-made

What wisdom is this

That you sought me while I was lost

What wisdom is this


Wisdom from on high


This wisdom is too deep for me, koo ye mi 

This wisdom is too lofty for me, Koo ye mi

It is too lofty for me, koo ye miiii

Would you journey to earth?

Would You journey to earth

And come to our home

For Worship 

is Awaiting You

Awaiting You

Awaiting You

for worship 

is awaiting you

Your Name is Wisdom Poured Forth

Your name is wisdom poured forth

Your word is honey on my lips
My Lord, My love
The shepherd of my soul 


Yahweh eh

Yahweh eh

You are Yahweh

That's who you are

Yahweh Ha meshiach 


Ha Messiah 

The Lover of My Soul

Spend me Lord

Spend me Lord

Spend me Lord

I am alive 

Willing to be spent

Break My Heart for What Breaks Yours

Would You break my heart for what breaks Yours

 Would You rend my heart for what rends Yours

Would You break my heart for what breaks Yours

It's all about You

Not me

I Don't Wanna Worship from Afar

I dont wanna worship from afar

I dont wanna call your name in vain

In Your Presence is where I belong

Tha is where I belong